
- Built, then open-sourced by Google
- MIT-licensed
- Doubleclick admin UIs
- Youtube player for PS3
- Composable, testable MVC/MVVM framework

- Really? You know what meetup you are attending, right?

- Ok: “Touch-Optimized Web Framework for Smartphones & Tablets”
- MIT-licensed
- DisneyWorld Orlando mobile site
- Slideshare mobile site
- Box.net mobile site
JQuery Mobile Angular Adapter
AngularJS? What about?
- Backbone.js
- Ember.js
- Spine
- KnockoutJS
- Agility
- Knockback
- ...whatever else the new hotness is
There are a lot of MVC/MVVM frameworks out there!
Cool Stuff About AngularJS
- Has the stuff you want to see in an MVC/MVVM framework
- You can use the pieces you want/need
- Stays out of the way
- Built-in Testability
Why I Looked At It
- Seemed to work well in a single page application (SPA) environment
- I liked the composability
- I was interested in what Google had done in this area
- See The Cool Stuff
A Caveat with JQuery Mobile Angular Adapter
- Because of the work it is doing to wire JQM and Angular together, it is very version-dependent
- Right now, that means
- Angular 1.0.1
- jQuery 1.7.1
- jQuery Mobile 1.1.0
Show Me Something Already
OK, here are some quick samples:
(These links open in new tabs)
What Is in the Tin
Multiple models/views per page
So you can have as many independent model/view interactions on a page as you like
jQuery mobile integration
If you can live with the version binding that is required, it is a nice MVC package for jqm
2-way data binding
This is sort of a bar that any respectable client-side MVC framework should get over
Shared controllers
These are nice, they let you share state across multiple controllers for things like logged-in sessions
Routing with HTML5 pushState
Goodbye hashbang! Huzzah!
User-definable and composable services
It is very easy to write a service to wrap an AJAX call into/out of a model class
Thank you!