Jonathan Altman

Dotcom Thousandaire

3 posts tagged with "security"

(September 04, 2008)
tags: security, terrorism, Schneier, personal

He's said it before in many different ways, but I finally found a bunch of statements in a single posting of his that summarizes his what I think is very correct thinking about terrorism prevention:

The problem with building security around specific targets and tactics is that its only effective if we happen to guess the plot correctly. If we spend billions defending [target type A] and terrorists bomb [target type B]…

(May 25, 2007)
tags: security, joyent, textdrive, accelerator, container, solaris, opensolaris, howto, technical

Here are some quick steps I did to do initial lockdown of a freshly created Joyent Accelerator: h2. Change passwords * Sign in as admin via secure shell to the default account, change its password * _su_ to root and change the root password * Go into…

(October 03, 2006)
tags: software, IT, trust, security, technical

Having worked at some places with what I would call "restrictive access policies" regarding internet sites and ports that can be accessed, as well as the software and configuration of computers issued to employees, I am led to the following question…