Jonathan Altman

Dotcom Thousandaire

2 posts tagged with "ruby"

(February 13, 2008)
tags: rails, ruby, n810, maemo, instiki, tracks, install, technical

Goaded on by requests for screenshots of Tracks running on my n810 I decided to instead document to the best of my recollection what I did to get Tracks and Instiki running on my n810. h3. Table of Contents h4. 1. "Preface: Why?":#Preface h4.…

(January 03, 2006)
tags: ruby, thunderbird, opensource

I like to keep my work email sorted by year to keep the size of the various boxes small for perusal (oh for the day Google sells corporate gmail!). This script is part of a process to accomplish that. It mirrors your existing Thunderbird folder…