Jonathan Altman

Dotcom Thousandaire

2 posts tagged with "rails"

(February 13, 2008)
tags: rails, ruby, n810, maemo, instiki, tracks, install, technical

Goaded on by requests for screenshots of Tracks running on my n810 I decided to instead document to the best of my recollection what I did to get Tracks and Instiki running on my n810. h3. Table of Contents h4. 1. "Preface: Why?":#Preface h4.…

(November 01, 2005)
tags: postgresql, schemas, rails, multiple, technical

I wanted a nice convenient way to have multiple Rails apps share my single postgresql database but keep all the apps' tables/procs/views/other artifacts isolated from each other. I came up with the following solution, which I can't claim is…