Jonathan Altman

Dotcom Thousandaire

5 posts tagged with "personal"

(July 29, 2010)
tags: personal

The very nice keyboard I have been using at work for the last several years is starting to get pretty badly beaten down (I am hard on keyboards). So last night I went over to the Apple store and bought another of their very nice aluminum USB…

(June 25, 2010)
tags: personal

Posting this here so I can throw out the slip of paper the doctor wrote it on. * 1 quart water * 2 tsp salt * 1/2 tsp baking soda

(January 28, 2009)
tags: coding, challenge, 100x100, technical, personal

So I am going to set myself out a hopefully fun little challenge: 100 lines of code in 100 coding days. It's my challenge (and if this catches on, my meme ;-)), so I get to define my groundrules. Of course, someone else who wants to quibble with…

(September 04, 2008)
tags: security, terrorism, Schneier, personal

He's said it before in many different ways, but I finally found a bunch of statements in a single posting of his that summarizes his what I think is very correct thinking about terrorism prevention:

The problem with building security around specific targets and tactics is that its only effective if we happen to guess the plot correctly. If we spend billions defending [target type A] and terrorists bomb [target type B]…

(November 25, 2007)
tags: Apple, mac, iMac, osx, switch, technical, personal

Well, after 12 years I have switched (back) to Macs. Switch (back) My first computer was an original 128k Mac, one of the very first ones. My mouse actually had a 5-digit serial number, IIRC. I gave up in 1995 swearing I would never buy another Mac: * I bought a…