Jonathan Altman

Dotcom Thousandaire

4 posts tagged with "devops"

(October 29, 2020)
tags: kubernetes, k8s, waypoint, devops, deployment, pipeline, minikube

TL;DR & Rationale

Using waypoint on your local machine via minikube is not that hard, but there are a few extra steps if:

  • You don't want to use their public service to publish URLs to your service
  • You want to use minikube (this may be an issue with kind too) and make sure container images are available. The Hashicorp docs are written assuming kind. I have not actually tested it out so I do not know if the things I had to do…
(October 19, 2016)
tags: devops, naming, vagrant

... with a little bit of cargo cult possibly rolled in.  Anywhere, here's the stuff I put into a VagrantFile (for Vagrant v2.x) to get boxes to be named properly both for hostname and for the name that appears in the Virtualbox GUI:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| # Any other Vagrant 2.x config settings you want here config.vm.define '__YOUR_BOX_NAME_HERE__' # Any other Vagrant 2.x config settings you want here config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| # Any of your other virtualbox modifications = "__YOUR_BOX_NAME_HERE__" # Any other virtualbox modifications here end # Any other Vagrant 2.x config settings you want here config.vm.hostname = "__YOUR_BOX_NAME_HERE__" # Any other Vagrant 2.x config settings you want here

Replace __YOUR_BOX_NAME_HERE__ with whatever you want to name the box. Also note that the stuff inside config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|

(March 18, 2013)
tags: chef, devops, postgresql, database, gems, dependencies, technical

I ran across this today while trying to use the chef community database cookbook.  If you want to use it along with a postgresql database to e.g. create databases and create and assign roles to users, then you may need to do the following, at least…

(January 11, 2013)
tags: bash, chef, completion, devops, shell, tab, vagrant, technical

I am doing a bunch of work in VMs managed with Vagrant+chef, and I have several different VMs configured for different projects/roles so that I can do dev work on a VM that has just the set of things on it that a QA or production box will have.  To…