Jonathan Altman

Dotcom Thousandaire

4 posts tagged with "100x100"

(January 31, 2009)
tags: coding, challenge, 100x100, technical


I did not think I would actually make today one of the 100 days, but I pushed through. I guess the incentive of challenging myself is working ;-)


  • Finished debugging the last part of adding the second controlled list admin table. Add and remove working
  • Added the third and final admin table
  • Committed
(January 30, 2009)
tags: coding, challenge, 100x100, technical


After having to make the day I thought up the idea be my Prologue, January 29 turned out to be fairly easy to make 100 lines of code. Not every day will be this easy, I bet. I also know that I opted for get things done over polish things to…

(January 28, 2009)
tags: coding, challenge, 100x100, technical

So I decided to start blogging my experience the day after I started actually doing the 100x100 challenge. Therefore, I get the benefit of hindsight, especially since I ended up well short of the mark. However, I would have to say the prologue was…

(January 28, 2009)
tags: coding, challenge, 100x100, technical, personal

So I am going to set myself out a hopefully fun little challenge: 100 lines of code in 100 coding days. It's my challenge (and if this catches on, my meme ;-)), so I get to define my groundrules. Of course, someone else who wants to quibble with…