del.icio.us bookmarks - 2008-11-11
How To Quickly Set Up Ubuntu 8.04 loaded with Erlang, Mochiweb and Nginx | BeeBuzz
- Posted: Wed Nov 12 05:52:47 UTC 2008
Tenerife Skunkworks: The OpenPoker scalability challenge
- The OpenPoker scalability challenge I spent the past few weeks slaving over a new version of OpenPoker and after a few rewrites I can safely say that this is the greatest and most scalable poker server ever! How scalable? I don't know but you can tell me!
- Posted: Wed Nov 12 05:48:05 UTC 2008
A Million-user Comet Application with Mochiweb, Part 1 | Richard Jones, Esq.
- In this series I will detail what I found out empirically about how mochiweb performs with lots of open connections, and show how to build a comet application using mochiweb, where each mochiweb connection is registered with a router which dispatches messages to various users. We end up with a working application that can cope with a million concurrent connections, and crucially, knowing how much RAM we need to make it work. In part one: * Build a basic comet mochiweb app that sends clients a message every 10 seconds. * Tune the Linux kernel to handle lots of TCP connections * Build a flood-testing tool to open lots of connections (ye olde C10k test) * Examine how much memory this requires per connection. Future posts in this series will cover how to build a real message routing system, additional tricks to reduce memory usage, and more testing with 100k and 1m concurrent connections.
- Posted: Wed Nov 12 05:45:25 UTC 2008
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